What can you do to make games less stressful for the evil team? How do you structure interesting puzzles when information is not trustworthy? Learn about social deduction with Ananda,
What happens when the traitor is left in the dark? Can you have a social deduction game without conversation? Charlie, Trevor, and Ananda discuss A Fake Artist Goes to New
Why should you balance information and doubt in social deduction games? How do you encourage people to talk to each other? Is dying actually good for the good team? Join
Do players need to know what team they are on? What is the purpose of minion roles? What are the benefits of super-short games? Trevor, Ananda, and Charlie talk about
How do you encourage interactions when it is the players versus the game? What makes an AI opponent compelling? Charlie, Trevor, and Ananda wrap up the cooperative game genre.
How do you represent the duality between a superhero and their alter ego? Can you have different types of resources that can still be used interchangeably? What should you do
Why should you foreshadow random events? How do you encourage players to stay on-theme for their characters? Do games need strict turns and timing? Join Ananda, Charlie, and Trevor as
How much communication do players need in a coop game? What happens when somebody loses the game for everybody? What makes for a good twist on a familiar mechanic? Charlie,
In this special episode, Ananda, Charlie, and Trevor discuss the tactical combat genre.
How do you make progression fun when players are getting weaker over time? Does AI for tactical combat need to be complicated? Can you have too much content? Trevor, Ananda,