Tag: Episodes

Episode 39: Machi KoroEpisode 39: Machi Koro

How can take-that mechanics benefit from randomness? What other dimensions can you add to a simple number line? Charlie, Trevor, and Ananda roll dice and take coins in Machi Koro.

Episode 38: CATAN: Cities and KnightsEpisode 38: CATAN: Cities and Knights

What makes progress cards feel better than development cards? How do you get opponents to work together for the good of all? Ananda, Charlie, and Trevor settle the score in

Episode 37: Hidden MovementEpisode 37: Hidden Movement

What should happen when a hider is found? Should hiders have a goal besides avoiding capture? Trevor, Ananda, and Charlie talk about Hidden Movement.

Episode 36: Captain SonarEpisode 36: Captain Sonar

How can you use attacks to reveal information? Do players need complex roles on a team? Charlie, Trevor, and Ananda listen for the enemy in Captain Sonar.

Episode 35: The Stifling DarkEpisode 35: The Stifling Dark

What does hidden movement look like when the hider is also the seeker? How can light be used as terrain? Trevor, Ananda, and Charlie shine a light on The Stifling

Episode 34: Scotland YardEpisode 34: Scotland Yard

How much information do players need to find a player that is hiding? What should you reveal? Ananda, Charlie, and Trevor search for Mister X in Scotland Yard.

Episode 33: Live at Protospiel Twin CitiesEpisode 33: Live at Protospiel Twin Cities

Ananda, Charlie, and Trevor hold their first-ever live episode as a panel at Protospiel Twin Cities, discussing three prototypes.

Episode 32: StorytellingEpisode 32: Storytelling

What makes storytelling games different from role-playing games? Why are stories so memorable? Charlie, Trevor, and Ananda talk about Storytelling games.

Episode 31: In This WorldEpisode 31: In This World

Can games be creative tools? Do games always need a winner? Trevor, Ananda, and Charlie craft realities that never were in “In This World”.